Wo Transfer (HK) Limited

Panda Remit was established in Hong Kong in 2018. Currently, the company holds the Hong Kong Money Service Operator (MSO) license. The company aims to create a better way to people in sending and receiving cross-border payments, driven by a simple goal – to simplify and enhance the lives of the people and the businesses by connecting them through smart cross-border payment technology.

Backed by some of the leading international venture capital funds with the visions of high-speed and low-cost global payments for all, the company is also in partnership with a globally renowned law firm to ensure full compliance with all applicable laws and requirements in all jurisdictions that the company serves.

Panda Remit is fully mobilised and integrated within APP or WeChat for clients’ easy access. In addition, the company is an international fund transfer company having capability to disburse funds in real-time for more than 500 banks in Mainland China at a fraction of the cost.

Remittance and Exchange Service

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